Delivery policy
Orders are sent out with Helt Hjem or the post office continuously. The shipment will take a few days. The order is sent in its entirety, so if one or more of the items are currently sold out, the entire order will be withheld. If this becomes relevant, you will be contacted immediately with a message.
The online store must at all times be updated in stock, but technical errors can occur, and you will be contacted immediately if this should happen with your order.
Return & Exchange Right
By Wahl-Westreng offers 14 days cancellation right on the order, from the day you receive the item. If you regret the purchase, the item must be returned in the same condition as you received it. The item may be tried on, but if By Wahl-Westreng considers the item to have been in use, it can not be returned. The item is considered to have been in use, if it is used beyond what is usual when tried in a store. Once the item is returned and received, the money will be transferred to your account within a few days. You as a customer are responsible for shipping costs for returns.
For returns, contact for further instructions. The response time will be within three hours until 22.00, and inquiries after 22.00 will be answered the next morning.
By Wahl-Westreng offers a 2-year right of complaint in accordance with the Purchase Act for extensive manufacturing and material defects, which are found during normal use of the product. The right of complaint does not cover defects, damages or wear and tear, directly or indirectly caused as a result of incorrect treatment, poor maintenance or the like. Complaints about errors and defects, which should be discovered during regular inspection of the item, should be notified to within 14 days of purchase. The item can be returned for repair, replacement or by agreement or credit. In connection with complaints, By Wahl-Westreng pays return costs within a reasonable extent.
Organisasjonsnummer: 922078998
Adresse: Gina Krogs Vei 14, 1153 Oslo
Telefon: 93499620